Wellness Weekend - 2 nights package in a double room

Weekend package Saturday + Sunday with free access to the Prima Rosa Spa

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Wellness Weekend Offer - Saturday + Sunday

Easy Double Room and Breakfast with private access by reservation to the Prima Rosa Spa; Jacuzzi, emotional shower and turkish bath.

2 nights package € 280 € 250

Add a massage to your Dolce Weekend package and treat yourself to 60 minutes of pure relaxation!

Offer valid on Saturdays and Sundays, subject to limitations and availability of the structure.

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Hotel Relais San Giovanni

Via Cavalieri del Lavoro, 37 angolo via Malpasso San Giovanni in Marignano 47842 (Rn)
Tel. +39 0541/956205 / info@sangiovannirelais.it
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Credits TITANKA! Spa